Za 29 feb.: boekpresentatie van Ishmail Kamara
Op zaterdag 29 februari presenteert Ishmail Kamara (Sierra Leone) zijn eerste roman ‘A Hundred Golden Horses – A journey to the promised land’ in het Verhalenhuis.
Deze feestelijke gebeurtenis vieren we graag samen met u.
15.30 uur Ontvangst
16.00 uur Welkomstwoord door Els Desmet, Q&A, Voordracht
We sluiten af met een drankje en een hapje en de gelegenheid om gesigneerde exemplaren van de roman te kopen.
Gratis entree
A Hundred Golden Horses – A journey to the promised land
While he was a little boy, Eba Yoko was adopted by his Uncle who raised him. As an adolescent, in a crucial time, Eba was forced to join the army. After a few days of intensive military drills, he escaped the training camp and began an adventure to the Promised Land, striving to find a stolen treasure. During his journey, Eba falls into the hands of a human trafficker, who later facilitates their passage by Sea to the Promised Land. Even though he has finally made it, Eba is disappointed by his arrival. Lost in a foreign land, Eba undergoes another struggle to start a new life.
De roman is te bestellen via deze link